Quicloc designs and manufactures high quality vertical swing clamps for sale in India. These clamps or actuators are useful for application where there is need for high clamping forces and hence are used in heavy duty machining fixtures. Some of the selection factors for the vertical swing clamps are:
- Best selection for heavy clamping force.
- Compact in design.
- Ensures easy component loading and unloading.
- 4.Appropriate for top clamping.
- Do not exceed maximum allowable inlet pressure.
Vertical Swing clamps gives high clamping forces and are used
in heavy duty machining fixtures.
- Compact design with higher clamping force.
- Ideally suited where horizontal swing is not allowed.
- Min./Max. Operating Pressure - 25/150 bar.
- Cylinders are available with manifold mounting as optional.
- Refer general design notes before selection & use.
- Refer Accessories sheet Page No. X1 for clamping lever
- Ordering specification for seal kit. Add prefix "SK" to the
model Number.